Top 25 Interview Questions

Here is the collection of TOP 25 frequently asked questions based on experience (mine and friends) of interviews in multiple companies.

1) Lowest common Ancestor (

2) A unsorted array of integers is given; you need to find the max product formed my multiplying three numbers. (You cannot sort the array, watch out when there are negative numbers)

3) Left View of a tree (

4) Reversing of Arrays (

5) Cache Line, Cache internal concept, RR scheduling

6) Print the middle of a given linked list (

7) Pair wise swap of elements in linked list (

8) HashMap internals (

9) Double checking Singleton (

10) Factory Pattern (

11) Print a given matrix in spiral form (

12) DFS on Graph and its representation (,

13) Object Oriented concept, Polymorphism , Method overloading, method overriding, Difference between abstraction and encapsulation, Aggregation and Composition

14) Print nth last node in linked list

15) Delete a given node in Linked List under given constraints (

16) Implement Stack using Queues(

17) Find if two rectangles overlap (

18) Multithreading concepts

19) Given an array of integers, update the index with multiplication of previous and next integers,

   e.g. Input: 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6
Output: 2*3, 2*4, 3*5, 4*6, 5*6

20) Difference of creating threads in Java using Thread and Runnable

21) How hashset is implemented in Java internally.

22) DeadLock example code (Producer & Consumer Code)

23) Find the number which is not repeated in Array of integers, others are present for two times.

e.g. Input : 23, 34,56,21,21,56,78,23, 34        
Output: 23

24) Serialization and related concepts.

25) Comparators in TreeSet

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This article is contributed by Rishi Verma. Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.

My Personal Notes

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